How to type the registered trademark symbol on Mac or Windows

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The registered trademark symbol, also known as the “R” inside a circle, is a symbol that signifies that the word, phrase, or image is a government-registered trademark.

Take a look at your computer keyboard, and you’ll quickly realize there is no registered trademark symbol on any of the keypads. Fortunately, you can create the “R” symbol with the circle around it by pressing specific keys simultaneously. Pressing these keys at the same time will make the registered trademark symbol “®” appear.

Registered trademark symbol using Windows

  1. Press and hold down the ALT button on your keyboard.
  2. While still pressing the ALT key, simultaneously press 0174.
  3. Release the buttons. The registered trademark symbol with “R” inside a circle will appear.

To get the © and ™ symbol on Windows, press and hold ALT + 0169 for the “C” copyright symbol © to appear or ALT + 0153 for the “TM” symbol ™

Registered trademark symbol using Mac

  1. Press and hold down the Option button on your keyboard.
  2. Press the R key. Remember, do not lift your finger from the Option key until you press the “R” key.
  3. Release the buttons. The registered trademark symbol with “R” inside a circle will appear.
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To get the © and ™ symbol on Mac, press and hold Option + G for the “C” copyright symbol © to appear or Option + R for the “TM” symbol ™

Copy and paste the registered trademark symbol

If you ever want to type a symbol such as the registered trademark and you’re unsure what key combinations to use, look for a website or online document with the symbol you want. Highlight the symbol, right-click it, and then select Copy or highlight and press Ctrl + C together. Next, move over to the page you want to insert the symbol, right-click your mouse and click Paste or press Ctrl + V together.

To use your keyboard to copy-paste a symbol on a computer, hold down the Control key on your keyboard and then press the C key. Go to the page you want to insert the symbol and paste it by holding the Control key and pressing V.

If you’re using a Mac computer, use the Command key instead of the Control keyboard shortcuts.

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